Photo of Hugo

I'm Hugo

Ferrando Seage

Mail me@hugofs.comGithub profileLinkedIn profileKeybase profile


I'm Hugo, a computer science graduate currently studying for a master's degree in computer graphics in Madrid (Spain).

I'm currently employed in LUCA, Telefónica's data unit, creating large scale B2B insight applications using a wide range of technologies.

Some of my previous jobs and roles include:

  • Recommendation engine improvements on movistar+ (Telefónica's video-on-demand service) using natural language processing
  • Web developer in Product Hackers, creating web apps, mobile apps, dashboards and chatbots
  • Research work in natural language processing using Big Data technologies as part of the data lab at UEM (with a paper published)
  • Research work in computer vision with the department of industrial engineering at UEM

I mostly work using Golang, Python and Javascript (with React and Angular), but I enjoy many topics in computer science, such as crypto, OpenGL, DevOps, C++, continuous integration, Open Source Software, compilers, embedded programming, Vim, Git, retro gaming, emulation...

I used to be part of UEM's robotics club. In 2016 we built a teleoperated rescue robot. I've never worked in a professional fashion in this field, but I had a lot of fun and was a great learning experience technically and in teamwork.

I'd love to write more blog posts (when I find some spare time).

Besides computer science, I also enjoy travelling and photography!